A paraglider is flying horizontally at a constant speed.? - paraglider for sale
A paraglider is flying horizontally at a constant speed. Suppose two forces, which will be referred to in the vertical direction, weight, and a vertical lift on the wings carried into the air. The buoyant force has a value of 1610 N. For further assume that leadership, to + J.
a) What is the force, including the signal leads the airplane on the ground?
b) If the lifting force was abruptly 1390 N, which the vertical acceleration, especially the character of the candle from?
one 1610) Newton
The country attracts candle power 1610N, the sailplane attracts the earth with the same force and oppostite. Here couuse believe that the earth and air separated.
b) = g (1 -1390/1610) = -1.34 m / s ²
Zero), since the lift capacity and weight Withdrawn
b) 1610N - 1390N = 220N
not calculate the mass of the screen can no acceleration. with the mass ... Info plug in F = ma
Vector will be negative because the acceleration decreases in the opposite direction
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